Hymn 60 - Let Him Lead

Instrumental Accompaniments

Vocal Accompaniments


Walk with joy the heavenly road; let Him lead;

Brightly lit is heaven’s road,

Toward its gleaming pathway strive,

Never falter, never sigh; let Him lead.

Walk with might the heavenly road; let Him lead;

Seek His grace on heaven’s road,

Though in life temptations come,

Follow Him and from them run; let Him lead.

Walk with calm the heavenly road; let Him lead;

Hard and long is heaven’s road,

Pray and trust His guiding light,

Keep it always in your sight; let Him lead.

Walk with peace the heavenly road; let Him lead;

In your sight is heaven’s road,

Walk by faith until the end,

’Til in heaven we may stand; let Him lead.