Hymn 405 - Did You Think to Pray

Instrumental Accompaniments

Vocal Accompaniments


Ere you left your room this morning,

Did you think to pray?

In the name of Christ our Saviour,

Did you sue for loving favor,

As a shield today?

When you met with great temptation,

Did you think to pray?

By His dying love and merit,

Did you claim the Holy Spirit

As your guide and stay?

When your heart was filled with anger,

Did you think to pray?

Did you plead for grace, my brother,

That you might forgive another

Who has crossed your way?

When sore trials came upon you,

Did you think to pray?

When your soul was bowed in sorrow,

Balm of Gilead did you borrow,

At the gates of day?


Oh, how praying rests the weary!

Prayer will change the night to day;

So in sorrow and in gladness,

Don’t forget to pray.