Hymn 223 - Praise Ye the Lord of Hosts

Instrumental Accompaniments

Vocal Accompaniments


Praise ye the Lord of Hosts, Hallelujah!

Sing with rejoicing and Praise to His name!

O let us haste to sing!

Tell of His grace, David, Moses, Miriam, join with us in praise!

Praise ye the Lord of Hosts, Hallelujah!

Sing with rejoicing and Praise to His name!

Like the five wise virgins Be ye prepared!

Jesus the Bridegroom will come, bringing love to share.

Praise ye the Lord of Hosts, Hallelujah!

Sing with rejoicing and Praise to His name!

Heavens and earth rejoice, Blest be the Lamb!

In sweet union we shall find peace and joy with Him.


O for ten thousand harps to sing His praise!

Let the song in heaven praise Him evermore,

Praise to the Lamb of God, rise up and sing, “Hallelujah, Amen”;

Let heaven ring!