Hymn 131 - Oh, Come

Instrumental Accompaniments

Vocal Accompaniments

Choral Arrangements


Oh how sweet is the day called the Sabbath,

How deep on this day is our rest,

Come to worship our God and Savior,

Who has gathered us here to be blest.

Hallowed may we this day ever keep,

All cares let us now lay aside,

For to tread in His path all the while

And in Him all our cares to confide.

Our dear Lord let us serve on this day,

His rich gifts we’ll strive to employ,

When we’ve spread His good Word far and wide,

His blessing of heav’n we’ll enjoy.


Oh come, come, come, come gather as one at His throne,

Let us lift up our voices in praise;

Lord, let now Your grace fall upon us,

Let us love You for all of our days.