Hymn 125 - A Parting Hymn
The Lord has brought us together,
For us to learn His true way;
With the Spirit’s love and guidance,
All of His Word we’ll obey;
The love of God’s worth rememb’ring,
Ever His praises we’ll sing,
Though we must part for the moment,
No sorrow our spirits mar;
We’ll strive to keep His commandments,
And spread His glory afar.
His truth is found in His Spirit,
Forever it will abide;
One faith to keep, with God leading,
We will for Him ever strive;
Spreading the gospel and seeking
To bring the lost unto Him,
Praying for others in Spirit;
Tho’ parted we’re of one heart;
Bear spiritual gifts for His glory;
In heaven we’ll never part.
Jesus has brought us together,
teaching the truth and the way.
Joined in one heart and one Spirit,
all of His will we obey;
(Line 5, Version 1) O for the love of the Savior,
(Line 5, Version 2) Moved by the love of the Savior
build up the body of Christ;
Parting is but for a moment,
grieve not, the Lord doth abide;
Strive to observe His commandments,
hine for the Lord far and wide.
Truth we shall keep, never wav'ring,
steadfast and faithful we'll be;
One faith, one hope of our calling,
one God, one Lord we believe.
Strive far and wide for the gospel,
win precious souls for our God.
Distance is but for a moment,
pray'r shall unite us in love;
Bearing the fruit of the Spirit,
we look to heaven above.